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The Fish Slam Club

There are many kinds of fishermen and women, and a myriad of ways to fish. We have fly fishing purists that would never consider throwing a spinner or a worm at a fish. On the other hand a bass fisherman would never consider going to the lake without multiple rods, crankbaits, and a whole plethora of weapons. But remember when you were a kid with a cane pole and a can of worms. When the bobber went down and the little blue gill or crappie came to your hand - you were just as excited as any fisherman could ever be. We hope to create a home where any fisherman will feel at home. A place where you can learn to become a better fisherman, a place where you can set goals to catch specific fish and accomplish "slams", and a place where you can show your trophies to your friends. Most of all, a place that you will want to come back again and again. We welcome your comments and will strive to improve the site every day. Thank you for coming to the site and we'll see you again soon!

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